Sunday, August 30, 2009

Madelyn's Best Friends!

Maddie Loves swinging at the park and playing with her friends at Grandma Nomi's house! Here are some pictures of their trip to the fire station and park! She loves watching them run around and they all love giving her hugs! She smiles at them when they are around and loves when they get so close to her face to say "Hi Madelyn!" She is super lucky to have so many wonderful friends already!! :0)

Love this photo because it shows just how hard it is to get all kids looking at one time!! :0) Joey decided just to hold Maddie's head straight! LOVE IT! :0)

Owen pushing Maddie in the swing! He takes such good care of her!

At the fire station! Josh let the kids squirt water out of the hose and let the kids climb in the trucks! They had so much fun!!

All of the kids by the yellow truck! They had matching T-Shirts!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy 5 month Birthday Maddie Jo!!!

This past Wednesday Madelyn turned 5 months old! These two photos make us smile because her personality really shows! The one of her sitting up is our favorite! She can sit up for a little bit of time, but her hands are out front and her tummy is almost to the ground! It makes us smile watching her try so hard :0) We tell her she is such a big girl and she smiles even bigger!! She is rolling all over the place from tummy to back, back to tummy and when she is on her tummy she is trying so hard to move..but she just hasn't figured it out yet! Soon though, we can see in her eyes that she wants to "catch her puppy!" We went to the park today and she went swinging and LOVED it!! So much changes in 5 months! We cannot believe our little peanut is getting so big! (Although, she is still a peanut lol just put away her newborn sweaters :0) ) Enjoy the pictures below and have a good rest of the summer...the few weeks that are left!!

Sitting up, with Daddy's hand there "just in case!"

Happy 5 month birthday Maddie Jo! You would think we could have gotten 1 smile from the girl!! Nope! No smiles!!! :0)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fave Pictures!

Here are some of our favorite pictures of Maddie right now! She is sure growing up! Our friend Kim got her to giggle out loud for a long time the other night and it was really cute to see! She has giggled for Daddy once or twice, but listening to her laugh for a good few minutes was so cute to see! She is sleeping through the night, sometimes twelve or mor hours and is rolling from her tummy to her back like no other! She knows how to roll from her back to her tummy, but only does it when she feels like it! :0)

Bubble beard!

Loves being on her tummy looking around!

Just out of the bath tub!

Addy and Maddie!!!

We had a blast on our trip to Wisconsin this past weekend! Madelyn went to visit her friend Addy (who is only one month younger than her!)! It was so much fun to see the girls together and each time we get together they are a little bit older! This time they enjoyed playing under Addy's jungle gym! We cannot wait until they are crawling around together!!! Here are some pictures of them together!

Addy in the pink...Maddie in the brown!
One of my favorite pictures!

Yummy Fingers!!!

It is so much fun to see what Maddie finds and discovers! She recently found her hands and enjoys chewing on them! Below is her favorite way...!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lonsdale Parade!

We had tons of fun going to the Lonsdale Parade and riding on the fire truck! It was Madelyn's first ride on a fire truck and her first ride in a parade...or even at a parade! It was super hot, but TONS of fun!!! Here are some of the pictures from the parade!!!

Maddie's shirt said Fire Chief!! :0)

Baby driving the fire truck haha...just kidding!!!

My Friend Addy

Maddie had tons of fun shopping and playing with her friend Addy! Here are some pictures with the two of them together!

4 Month Photos!

Hello everyone! It has been a while since we have updated our blog! It has been a crazy and busy summer! Below are a few pictures from when Maddie turned 4 months! She had her doctor's appointment and she weighed in at 11 pounds!! Peanut, but she was in the 80th percentile for her height!

Maddie and her Tankers! (Tankers is so not excited!)

This is the only picture that I got of her with her sign where she was sitting! No smile, but she wouldn't sit still long enough!

That's not Tankers?!?!!

Happy baby...sleepy puppy!