Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where DId Maddie Go?

Friday night Josh and I were standing in the kitchen doing dishes and I asked him to go and check on MJ because she had been standing by the stairs. So he went to check on her and couldn't find her! He looked up the stairs and she decided to climb half way up our stair case! So she has now figured out how to climb! I had showed her the night before how to put her knee up on the stair and how to move her hands up, but I didn't think she would get it in one day!

Not only does she climb up stairs, but she climbs up almost anything that is bigger than her. He new favorite thing to do is climb up, stand on her feet and then let go because she thinks that she will not fall down! Little girl should be walking soon since she is doing this already! No fear I am Fear! :0)

She is also copying sounds and does "So Big" sometimes...especially for her Auntie and at daycare with Grandma! If you give her a cell phone and tell her to say "Hi Auntie Nenna" she sometimes goes..."Hhhhiii" It's super cute!

Standing by the stair...her new favorite thing to do!

Silly Girl!

Tank thinks that he can hide on the landing right now...little does he know that it is not going to last much longer!

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