Monday, January 3, 2011

Big Girl Now!

We are potty trained! MJ started working on using the potty the week before Christmas. (I still can't decide if that week was a good idea or not! Between the 6 Christmas' we attended, using the toliet was one more thing for Mom and Dad to have to deal with. But it it seemed to have worked!) So now she is using the toliet and usually doesn't have accidents. At night we still use diapers, but during the day we are all about the underwear! (Dora ones are her favorite!)
I have had people ask how I did it. We went straight to underwear. The first day we had 3 accidents at my parents house, but then a good afternoon. The next day we tried it again and only had one. I only use pull ups when we are on the "go". (I still do not trust not having a pull up on when we go to Target or in the car.) But she completly knows when she is in a pull up. She usually ends up being wet, but if I would have her in underwear she would be dry. Smart cookie she is! Now we need to work on the "big girl bed" that is sitting in the box in the garage. I think I am more scared about this, than potty training!
I was looking back at my first post and cannot believe I am talking about potty training. My little MJ is growing up way, way too fast!

A sticker for success! (We have them all over our house! But they work!!)

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